Benefits of Using a Heat Pump

The new generation of cold-climate heat pumps could cut energy costs drastically. The savings over oil heat are substantial — as much as 40 percent for residents of the Northeast, according to a 2013 report from the Rocky Mountain Institute, a Colorado think tank that...

How to Protect Your Central Air Conditioner From Theives

Even with the recent upturn in the economy, some people still have it quite hard out there. In fact, there has been a spike in the number of central air conditioners that have been stolen due to rising scrap metal prices. Of course, your central air conditioner isn’t...

A Little Trivia About HVAC Systems

HVAC systems are just a common part of our modern world. We leave our air-conditioned homes to go to work in our climate controlled offices. In the winter months, we do not need to worry about building a fire for warmth. Many of us might not even notice this system...

Learning the Basics of Variable Speed Motors

What are Variable Speed Motors? There are many different types of motors used in heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. A single-speed motor, the most common type in homes, is one that operates in two speeds: on or off. When the temperature drops below the...

The Benefits of Energy-Efficient Furnaces

High-efficiency furnaces use 30 percent less energy than traditional furnaces. Most traditional furnaces, however, only function at nearly 75 percent efficiency, which is why so many homeowners purchase high-efficiency furnaces. Natural gas and oil prices are...

HVAC Systems Last Longer with Regular Maintenance

Most homeowners want their HVAC system to last for as long as possible. Not surprisingly, regular maintenance on an HVAC system can help it to stay in good working condition. Take a look at just a few maintenance practices that can contribute to the long life of an...
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